Driving, Cars, Motorways and Autobahns

There are still many unrestricted sections of Autobahn. Collisions between high speed and slower moving vehicles are still a common occurrence. He probably wasn’t pulling your leg.

I drove from the UK to Austria a number of times when we lived out there. The German Autobahns were quite lairy. You’d check behind before overtaking, pull out, and an Audi RS/Porsche/AMG Mercedes/BMW M would suddenly appear out of nowhere in the rear view mirror.

In Austria, the Autobahns are limited to 130/140 km/h and there are quite a few speed cameras around, so the driving tends to be fairly sensible.

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Yes this happened many times to me over the few years I made that journey.
It was way more scary than almost hitting a Trabant myself.
So glad it wasn’t just me that got a Little bit scared then :scream:

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I probably have seen them during my trips to Europe but I was so busy looking at the scenery over there that I didn’t pay much attention to the cars unless they were very unusual or exotic looking. The Skoda doesn’t quite qualify. :laughing:

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Sorry, I don’t understand either of these sentences. :confused:

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Ged is saying that anyone over 50 who is interested in cars wouldn’t need to Google the Trabant because they’d already know what it is. Normal people, not so much.


Thanks for the translation. :laughing:


Which is, of course, regional. Trust me, US car guys over 50 would/do have no idea what a Trabant is.

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And that can only be a good thing :joy_cat:

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Some US guys know :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


He is owned by the world… And married to a Welsh girl

I’m over 50 and a U.S.“car guy”. Grew up in Detroit, dad worked for GM for 35 years. My first car in 1981 was a '68 Camaro that had more engines than sets of tires… several stereo incarnations too.

No googling so I can only guess the car you all are talking about is the car seen in U2 video for One. Is that correct? I seem to remember something about the fall of the Berlin Wall and these crappy cars that came from East Germany and could not get out of their own way. I also remember stories of people driving them to the west and just abandoning them.

If I’m correct that is the car, there is no way I would have ever known it by name.

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You brought back a memory there and I think yes it probably was that car. I had completely forgotten about that :+1:

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Hmm, all Communists cars look the same?

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I had the misfortune to own both a Skoda ( pre VW takeover) and a Yugo while I was an impoverished student.

Hard to decide which was worse although both might have been slightly better than the pos Allegro that followed🤣
There’s a good reason BMC sent belly up!

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Yugos were basically repurposed Fiats, or was that the Lada?
Buggered if I remember but God awful whichever

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Nope, from Yugoslavia. Hence, Yugo. :sunglasses:

But Fiats were nothing to home about either.

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Err…as I said repurposed Fiats…lol.
They even used the old body panel moulds when they were worn out from the Fiat factory.

I believe both Yugo and Lada licensed these abominations from Fiat…if my memory serves and I can’t be a$$ed to Google it😁

Yeah, designed by Fiat and manufactured in Yugoslavia.

Enuf blame to go around. :grin:

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True, say no more guv’nor :wink: