DSD integration

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Mac OS 10.14.6; Roon Core 1.7 (667)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)


Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)


Description Of Issue

Roon does not treat DSD files with the same care as PCM files. Although the individual tracks are titled and displayed properly, the individual track-files on my hard drive are not picked up as being of the same title as other track-files in my library. For example, a cover-performance of “I’m on Fire” by Bruce Springsteen does not link to the PCM files of the original performance or other cover-performances so that it would be possible to click on the nifty little icon of the album coming out of its cover in order to see all instances of that song’s performance as does happen with PCM files.

The DSD files play fine. This seems to be a database-type issue where the titles of individual DSD tracks are not being collected into the database of my library by Roon. By the same token, searches within Roon do not display individual DSD tracks that I know are in the library; while those same DSD files do show up in a general search of my hard drive.

Hi @Joe_Englander,

Welcome to the forum!

Can you please go to your Albums browser → right click both of the albums → press 3-dot drop-down menu near the top to reveal Album Editor → Group Alternate Versions? This should associate the albums so that they appear under Versions. Let me know if this helps!

Noris, hello,

No, I don’t see how your suggestion helps, for two reasons:

  1. I think you have misunderstood what I am asking about and what Roon is already doing with PCM files. I am not asking to associate two albums in their entirety—only two instances of the same song sung by different people on different albums (or even the same person on different albums). Since the titles of the songs are the same, they should be immediately identified and automatically associated. In an XL sheet, this would be a simple sort by title or “find titles."

  2. Your suggestion requires that I do the basic database association of files by my finding them and my manually associating them. Manual association is not what programs are for. Again, Roon already does this for PCM files but is not doing it for DSD files.

Thanks for looking into it.


Do those DSD files have composer credits? I find that PCM files often miss a composer credit as well but the few DSD files I have are much worse tagged by the suppliers than PCM. Roon needs a composer as well as a title credit (and sometimes that is not enough for reasons I don’t understand).

For example, your Bruce Springsteen “I’m on Fire” was also a totally unrelated mid-70’s disco hit for 5,000 Volts but composed by Tony Elder:

It doesn’t help with your automation request but you can manually associate at the track level (provided you have the composer credits). If you go to the Compositions menu from the main sidebar and filter on composition and composer, you can merge them. Just highlight them and click on the merge compositions button (top right). Those with Classical libraries are manually doing this all the time (as the automation is far from perfect). I only do this with a handful of favorite Pop/Rock songs as there are so many gaps in the composer credits it is too large a task.

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BINGO! Yes, that is the problem: no composer credit (or incorrect composer). When I checked several files, you’re right, the composer was either not listed or the performer was listed as the composer. Thank you. Joe

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Hi @Joe_Englander,

Happy to hear that @Tony_Casey’s suggestion resolved this issue!
If there’s anything else we can assist with, please just let us know!

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