DSD ISO Support

[quote=“loeribas, post:38, topic:1259, full:true”]
dshore, maybe good to tell this is a Windows only solution.[/quote]
For Roon it is either Win or MAC… :slight_smile:

There is a good (no clicks) MAC solution too for ripping to DSF - I think it was TraX

+1 for ISO support.

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I see Miska and HQ Player, at this time, does not plan on supporting ISO.

And how is that related to Roon?

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Because Roon is planing on implementing an HQPlayer feature option in the near future.

That doesn’t mean that all Roon users who are requesting ISO support plan to also use HQPlayer.
I don’t see how it is relevant to Roon supporting ISO in the future, Roon is still a music playback program without HQP.

You just asked the question how it’s related to Roon… and I answered. You don’t need to be snippy to me.

If I was being “snippy”, you would know it. Maybe you should go back and read my post without automatically going into defensive mode.
It was simply a general statement and my opinion about how the possibility of Roon DSD ISO support is completely unrelated to HQP.

That’s fine, I’m done. I thought I was being helpful, but I guess not.

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I think he means that it would be great if Roon supported ISO, so that Roon would have an advantage over HQP due to its enhanced functionality.
Or maybe a concern the HQP output plugin (or however HQP integration will be realized) won’t support ISO playback?

Just reading into this though, only @dshore can solve this mystery :wink:

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+1 for ISO support, although for me it is not as important as DFF support.


another +1 for ISO support
I have no issues manually identifying such album if needed


+1 for ISO support

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I have quite a few SACD ISO’s. But I don’t see the need (at least a priority need) for Roon to support the format. I see ISO’s as an archival format - not something to play back from. It is so easy and quick to convert from ISO to individual DSD. Only few minutes for each disc.

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I agree with that. Since the effort required is not insubstantial (see above if you haven’t read the whole thread), I would rather that a lot of other things be tackled first before focusing on this issue.

Yes, conversion involves only a few minutes per disc but I have thousands of ISOs. Also, ISOs are more compact. For example, the ISO of the Hahn/Marriner Brahms/Stravinsky VCs is 4.75GB while the DSF of only the MCH tracks is 6.09GB!

So, ISO support would be nice but is not of pressing urgency. IMHO, multichannel support is essential. :wink:


I can see your point. “Thousands” of ISOs would mean something like 10 TB of data. Convert it to another format and you are looking at another 10+ TB, not to mention backups. I did not realise that many SACDs even existed. :neutral_face: However, as @Rugby pointed out, not an easy thing for the roonies to implement, and you are perhaps part of a small minority of users with that much invested in SACDs. For me, I have about a hundred, and it was trivial to convert them over to DSD.

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And sometimes you run into bugs that make it impossible to convert an ISO.

I was generally in the “don’t care about ISO support” camp. But that was assuming easy, reliable, conversion.

So now I’d call myself in the “nice to have, but not critical” camp.

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For Windows ISO2DSF works great, pulls in album/track MetaData too, and it is free. And with a batch file, hundreds (or thousands) can be converted all or some at once.

(BTW there is a new version of sacd_extract for those who create their own ISO’s)

Not a MAC guy so cannot comment on that conversion (see TraX mentioned)

That’s just a script that uses sacd_extract for the actual extraction. And alas, sometimes sacd_extract will choke on an ISO.