DSD Metadata not identified by ROON although album present in Qobuz

So I bought an album in on Nartive DSD, the file format is .dsf.

Roon doesn’t identify the album:

Altough the album does exist on Qobuz:

When I click identify, none of the results are a match:

Track numbers are the same, some tracks have a 1 second different timing.

Is there a way to fix this?

If you have both in your library, you can group them. Then once grouped you can delete the Qobuz one and the ID will stay with the DSD version.

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That doesn’t do it.
Tried it, when grouped I still have way less informations on my local album than the Qobuz version.
FI: on my local album, just the main interpreter is mentioned, composers names are absent etc…

You have to re-identify the album, picking the Qobuz one as yout reference (even if track duration is different)

The album doesn’t exist in either of Roons metadata providers so it won’t identify it. Qobuz is Qobuz they are identified by default. Roon cant access that metadata for non Qobuz albums and use it on your own. You will need to add it to MusicBrainz yourself to get Roon to identify it but you will need to add details as well. You can use Picard App as a starting point to put in MusicBrainz and add more metadata to your files.

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still same result as above…:slightly_frowning_face:

that’s why I don’t get it, the very same album is on Qobuz

Doesnt matter. For local files Roon uses MusicBrainz or AllMusic to identify and retrieve metatdata for them. Albums in Qobuz use their own metadata thats in Qobuz it isnt available for use on non Qobuz material. This metadata is just basic album infor provided to Qobuz from the provider. If they dont add metatdata to the the main music metadata services then its not available. This isnt anything new, metadata for certain types of music, new releases, certain smaller independants is thin on the ground, there isnt a unified meatadata model that any one label, studio adheres to. MusicBrainz and Allmusic are all human curated sources of metadata that rely on people to add releases to them, this album hasnt been there fore doednt matter what application you use none will pull much relevant information as the majority of them use MusicBrianz or AllMusic to get extra metadata.

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