Duplicates of artist names appearing when using Filter in Albums view (ref#Y9FCDP)

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When navigating to Albums then clicking on Filter, I type an artist name and duplicates are showing up. The Album view does not show any duplicate, only when Filter is used.

Roon Rock Version 1.0 (build 259) stable
Intel NUC i7 16GB
Roon Server Software Version 2.0 (build 1392) stable

Unmanaged 5 port netgear switch → Ubiquiti UDM Pro → ISP.

Hi @J_Ricardo_Saldana,

Thanks for writing in!

I see all the duplicates are from Tidal, have you also added each album to your Roon library as well? You may be seeing both ‘versions’ in this case, the album object in your Roon library, as well as the album object from Tidal.

Hope this makes sense, let me know! :+1:

I do not have music files for these titles, only the Tidal versions were added to my library. They were not duplicated in the past, so it was surprising to see them show up twice. Some .flac files were also showing duplicates, but I did not bother to capture screenshots.
Interestingly enough, after the most recent update, no more duplicates. No other actions were taken.

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