Edits and likes not appearing

Hi @support,

This morning I have tried to edit genres on albums and heart albums. When I make these changes, nothing shows up. I have to move to another screen (within Room) and back again in order to see the change. This is a new “development”… with likes/hearts it is a particular problem: because the change does not register, if you click again to see, you accidentally block your album, and then you have to do gymnastics to find a way to locate it to them unblock it.

I’m on a Mac, with with Room 1.7 build 571. To repeat, this problem only showed up this morning. Once I have finished breakfast I will test this on other devices, and also reboot my core, which is running on a Small Green Computer sonic transporter. thanks.

Hi @ajl,

Was there any change after rebooting your Core or using any other remote devices?

Thanks for the response! Seems to have resolved! All good, touchwood…

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