Endpoint not always working

Ropieee endpoint in Roon says 50% of the time device not found. After a couple of reboots it start working again until the next time I power it up. I have 3 of these with all the same issues in the house, takes a reboot sometimes more before its up and running again.

Log: 81a0e926e0177ae6

Thank you

The error message is a little bit misleading: the device is found, but it can’t be opened by Roon.

I also so that you have Spotify enabled. Just to be sure: can you disable that so we can make sure that no other service is interfering?


Will give this a try and report back. Thank you

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Still the same problem: 77df0b3123879e57

Thanks for looking,


Still the same issue - weird :frowning:

I want to try something if you’re up to it: I’ve just released a first beta build for the next release (2025.02) with a minor change and I’m curious if this makes a difference for you. Are you willing to try it out?

If so, you need to change the update channel (on the advanced tab) to ‘beta’, follow instructions and wait out until this build lands or your unit (that can take a few hours). After that you’ll get a regular ‘update notification’ and you can install the beta build.


Yes no problem I will give that a try and report back.

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Only couple boot ups so far but haven’t had the issue yet. Ill report back in a few days.

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and the error:

@FlyinDutchie320 Hi Martin,

How are things looking?

I was out of town last few days so haven’t used it much. I will this week and report back.

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Seems to be working fine with this beta update.

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