Error loading database on MacOS

Hi @Andrew_Webb,

You can try loading up you old database with this update and let us know if that helps.

Nope. Same “there was an issue” problem.

Thanks for trying, @Andrew_Webb, and apologies for the continued troubles. Can you send over a new set of logs from this attempt so the team can take a look?

Thanks, @Andrew_Webb! — Getting this over to the team and will follow up as soon as I have their feedback.

What are the chances of recovering my playlists/the database? Should I start rebuilding everything, or should I wait, so as to not waste effort? My main playlist was ~1500 songs.

Hi @Andrew_Webb,

The team is still investigating this and similar reports — I unfortunately don’t have any specific updates at this time, but I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as I do!

Thanks, and apologies again for the trouble.

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