Error message: "Fatal Error - OpenGL 3.0 or higher is required" on Roon running on macOS M1 Mac mini (ref#WDL2QT)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Interface & Usability

Description of Issue

installed roon desktop on mac. Received error message “Fatal Error
OpenGL 3.0 or higher is required. The video drivers on this system do not support OpenGL 3.0.”
I’m running the latest Macos Sonoma 14.2.1 on an M1 Mac mini.

This is a current model and there will not be Apple certified drivers for Open GL aS Apple state it is deprecated.

Roon Server Platform


Roon Server Specifications

UnRaid 6 32GB - but the problem is not the server but the video drivers for the desktop

Connected Audio Devices

Homepod / Squeezebox various / Ropiee various - the problem is the video drivers on the desktop

Home Network Details

Ethernet (except wifi to homepod) - the problem is still the video driver on the desktop


Something seems wrong here. It’s true that OpenGL is deprecated by Apple and their libraries are ancient and will probably not be updated anymore, but they exist and OpenGL 3.0 is even more ancient. I am happily running Roon on Sonoma on a Macbook Air M2, and apparently so does everyone else or the forum would be burning.

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I also received this error message last week on my old 2011 Mac Mini running Catalina, after a reboot (I do that once a month or so). After rebooting again, Roon launched normally, so I kind of wrote it off as a glitch. I haven’t dared rebooting again. :see_no_evil:

If I can do anything to help troubleshoot this please let me know. I suppose this might be related to the merging of the roonserver / roon app stuff in the recent builds? But like @Suedkiez said, if that’s the case it’s strange this hasn’t come up earlier and at a larger scale.

There is an active thread with happy people writing about running Roon on the Mac Mini with Apple Silicon, so it’s surely not a common thing

It certainly was working ok until recently with more or less the same setup. Roon & Sonoma have been updated recently, and there was an unplanned power cut .

I’ll try a reboot and maybe check for os corrruption after

Re-downloaded Roon, re-installed, Rebooted and now ok.

wish I knew cause!

my setup is:

  • a server - running a Linux variant with raid and Roon in a Docker - with a UPS
  • Controllers - The above mentioned Mac and an iPhone
  • Clients - Roopiee(s), squeezebox(es) & Homepod (and other airplay devices good but not hifi)

We had a powercut that:

  • forced the Mac and other clients to an unplanned restart
  • required a reboot of the Modem (we use 4G Broadband as the distance from the exchange otherwise means an impossibly slow Internet connection)
  • NB the powercut also impacted the nearby 4G aerial

I have no evidence to say it was the powercut, but as @Sander_Zwier & @Suedkiez noted it worked fine on other similar setups.

many thanks for the kindness shown and the help eliminating possibilities

and yes Roon on a (mac with a) big hi-res screen greatly enhances the Roon experience

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Happy to see that solved it for you. I’m still feeling a bit queasy about this one - have the feeling it could just pop up again anytime. If it does, I’ll report back here of course.

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