Error Message Update Server Roon Bridge

Hello Community
Since a few days I get an error message with Roon Brigde. I have freshly set up the PC. First installed only Roon and Roon Bridge. The problem still exists. Sorry my English, I come from Switzerland.

Roon 1.8 build 795
Roon Bridge 1.7 build 571

Best regards
Oliver Bay

Bridge Error

Seems to be the same “issue” as in this post, scroll down and read my reply.
Hope that helped…

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Thank you very much. I have done it as described by them. But the error message remains. Thank you very much.

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Hello @Oliver_Bay,

Thank you very much for letting us know about this. As @Marin_Weigel has mentioned, Dylan (one of our technicians) has confirmed that there is no update for Roon Bridge. The message you see is just an error that our team is working on removing:

Sorry about the confusion :nerd_face: