Error message when trying to access server and unable to access library and internet radio (ref#KSFVBJ)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category


Description of Issue

Nach der Anmeldung und dem Kontakt zu meinen Server kommt eine Fehlermeldung Seite kann nicht geladen werden. Und ich komme nicht weiter. Keine Bibliothek und kein Internet Radio. Neu gestartet alles vom Netz genommen WLAN neu gestartet und APP neu installiert, alles hat nicht geholfen.


After logging in and contacting my server, I get an error message Page cannot be loaded. And I can’t get any further. No library and no Internet radio. Restarted everything from the network, restarted WLAN and reinstalled the APP, none of which helped.

Roon Server Platform

Roon Server Specifications


Connected Audio Devices


Home Network Details


9 posts were split to a new topic: @moderators the op’s profile is not active please close this thread

@thomas.4211 - you say that you are using an ELAC Roon Essentials server.

Roon Essentials and Roon are different products, and Essentials customers are entitled to direct support from Elac.

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category


Description of Issue

Roon did Not find my Core but Elac is on start but when I choose Connection there comes an Error Page Not found. But Roon Said Elac Core Said is Ready.

Roon Server Platform


Roon Server Specifications

Elac Discovery Series DS-S101-G

Connected Audio Devices


Home Network Details


Please don’t open duplicate support requests. I’ve merged your requests into the one thread, and, as has been pointed out, you need to take the issue up with ELAC support.

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