Error when playing Qobuz album

When trying to play a Qobuz album I get a message “playback interrupted, unable to load track”. What’s happening? I’m signed in with Qobuz in Roon.

Could this be due to the fact I’m still on the CEDIA free trail? The Qobuz albums show up fine on Roon but nothing will play, hi res or cd quality. My Roon library and Tidal are working fine. Got waitlisted for the beta trial.

Hey @KenS – does playback work on the Qobuz website? Or in their app?

On the Qobuz website each track in an album will play for 30 seconds at 320 kbps then skip to the next track. In my account data it shows I live in the UK and I can’t change it. Seems like Qobuz is giving me a sample. When I first signed up for the CEDIA promo everything played fine at whatever resolution the recording was.

It sounds like maybe the trial expired – probably best to reach out to Qobuz to confirm.

I’m now having the same problem with playing Qobuz albums. But, it was working fine and I played several Qobuz selections before this began. I did try stopping and restarting Roon but same results. Note that his is only happening with Qobuz selections. All works fine with my own library.

I haven’t tried the Qobuz UI - just via Roon.

Hmmm, I suspect my problem is the same… I first setup my trial account as a UK account even tho I’m in the US. I’ll see if I can contact Qobuz to get that changed.

I sent an email to Qobuz customer service. Their website says the Beta is closed so apparently there is presently no way for a Yank to get a subscription . I asked them if there was an alternative to waiting for the Beta to finish. I’ll post the response.

I was sent an email by Qobuz to log back in, submitted my information and account is good for a new trial. I can play through their native app just fine, so the account itself works. I signed into Qobuz within Roon, it accepted it, and every time I press “play” I get a "Playback was interrupted because a track failed to load” and “Too many failures. Stopping playback.” errors in Roon.

The Qobuz website works for me too but each track plays only 30 seconds. Are you getting the full length?

Mine does not start to play at all. It s interesting that my PS Audio Directstream DAC does see the cover art, so at least some metadata gets there, just doesn’t play.

Are you getting the full track length on the Qobuz site? Or it doesn’t play at all either?

You’re right, 30 seconds and done

The problem was that even tho I got a beta invite at my email address, I had already used that address last fall to initiate 3 month month trial from UK. So all I was getting was 30 second MP3 clips on only some tracks.

An email to Qobuz and they quickly reassigned the account to US. All I had to do was re-initiate my beta account and now all is well.

That makes sense but I’m not so lucky never having gotten a beta invitation. I was on the 90 day trial too so I also have a UK address assigned to my email and I can’t change it. I emailed Qobuz two days ago and haven’t heard back from them.