Error, you need software updates, but software latest!

After problems on your servers, after restarting, the Error icon appeared, you need to install software updates. Software versions are the latest, I attach screenshots. What need to do?

Also due to problems with the Metadata, problems with adding albums to the media library. Writes such a message and does not add.

Hi @Vadim_Lvov,

What does your network setup look like? Can you please list the model/manufacturer of your networking gear and how the Nucleus is connected (direct to router or through a switch)? Is there any change in behavior if you reboot the Nucleus?

A post was split to a new topic: Metadata Improver Error - Help?

I had the same issue

I also had an album cover from Tidal missing.
Re started Roon core, no change.
Then I went to settings/ about and read the software versions. Quit this and all was fixed.

The Apple Extreme router is wired through a passive switch. After many reboots, the problem is gone. It is caused by the fact that at the time of updating and synchronizing with Tidal, your Roon servers crashed. Then all the metadata was updated.

Hi @Vadim_Lvov,

Glad to hear that the issue is resolved with the reboot. If it re-occurs, please do let us know and we can take another look!

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