Extreme idle CPU use with control mode, Mac & Windows

Hello @David_Nanian,

Appreciate your patience here, I have just received the report back from QA regarding you case and they have reported that your network setup could be the culprit for the high CPU usage here. From the Gif and diagnostics from your machine, Roon Remote has dropped the connection with Core 446 times over 7 days - meaning approximately 60 times per day.

I would try simplifying your network setup and taking a look at what could be causing these network outages as they seem to be affecting CPU cycles when Roon tries to reconnect. Is it possible that your firewall is configured in a way to occasionally block Roon Remote connections? The port range that should be forwarded for proper communication for Roon Remotes are discussed by Brian here:

We also have a Networking Best Practices guide listed here which may be worth taking a look at, there are some Router specific settings listed there or if you are using switches in your setup you may need to take a look at “flow control” or multicast settings.
