Hi, @noris. So based on what you’ve said so far, I’ve spent the money and time to completely re-wire and re-switch my entire network. And still
as you can see, Roon continues to take lots of CPU time (those are the top three on my system, sorted by time).
So… I’m not sure of the analysis that this is somehow due to network drops. Right now we’re talking about 2x Ubiquiti EdgeSwitch 8-150Ws in this room. As before, the NAS is wired to the same switch as the iMac Pro (this system), and the Skull Canyon is on its own EdgeSwitch.
All of the network related equipment and hardware, save for the router (which is a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter 4), is new, has up to date firmware, and has been tested… it all seems fine (it all seemed fine before, too, but since you said there was a problem I couldn’t detect, I changed all of it).
Further ideas?