Extremely well reviewed music

As I listened this morning to Bang on a Can’s recording of In C, I read the review, and it reminded me of this page, but in reverse. I really enjoy this recording but it seems a bit much for the reviewer to promise that it will change my life.

“More powerful than any Beethoven symphony” - praise indeed :grinning:

Interesting recording. It’s certainly trippy.

I’m not sure it’s an overstatement! The Ragazze Quartet version is my current favorite.

I love how you rated it 4* - how good does something have to be to get a 5? :wink:

It’s true, I’m one of those people who have a hard time giving a full 5 stars to many things. In this case, I have a clear preference for the Philippe Herreweghe 1998 B-minor Mass (in no small part due to Andreas Scholl), which rates 4 1/2 stars :wink:

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