Fiio M11 upsample/downsample on Roon

Same issue here Fiio M11…

Roon don’t seem to care about this given their refusal to comment.

This will be down to how the device presents itself to Roon via the normal android audio stack. Roon will resample to the rate the Android OS audio stack reports to Roon. This is normal behaviour in Roon. Fiio bypass this part of Android but Roon does not support these bypasses for all purposes it will rely on the Android OS to tell it what rate it supports not Fiios work arounds. Android here is telling Roon the rate is 192. This is the same on all Android devices they all up or down sample to the rate that gets reported to it. There has never been bit perfect playback on Android.

Like I said; IMO the lack of response from Roon demonstrates a complete lack of care for this issue regardless of the reasoning. The Tidal seems to handle this just fine.

Android is the vast majority of the DAP market which makes the lack of response more perplexing and disappointing.

Roon don’t need to comment they have explained thier choices for Android audio when they chose this path. They also never comment oh any development that may be in progress. There is nothing broken here it’s a design choice by them.

It’s not the only app that does this either. PlexAmp does exactly the same. Roon used to allow the OS to just handle the audio so was dependent on the hardware. They stopped doing this some time ago as the playback experience was just terrible on Android. They determined that getting Roon to resample was a better experience and quality than letting the OS do it which is a black box on each device. It suffered with awful dropouts, , clicks, silence etc and was different on every phone or tablet, it was unusable really.

So they remade the Android audio pipeline for the app to resample via the core based on what the audio stack reports it supports, so it has maximum compatibility across the wide range of Android devices. Android based DAPs where a fairly new thing and let’s face it limited in usership. Not all apps also have system wide SRC bypass so not all apps behave the same on those. I know from my Hiby that not all apps bypass this as they too are hard coded to resample to make it work better across devices.

A lot of apps now just let the the OS handle all the audio, Tidal being one of these so as the Fiios Os bypasses SRC so does the app.

I want this to change so I can use my DAP bit perfect but Android audio isn’t a simple thing and they will want to make sure it works properly if they do ever decide to change path again.

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Indeed Roon did response to Android, almost 3 years ago, as usual no progress or timeline given, when it’s ready, then it’s ready!

Not exactly that thread and post is in regards to the changes they made already outlined in my post. The rewrite came out later in 2019 and uses the fixed resampling we see today. They have never mentioned anything about looking at bit perfect other than mention its incredibly.hard to support audio in generalon Android given how Roon works and the unknown hardware on each device and they all have different is tweaks.

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