File marked as Corrupt with OneDrive is not reverted once the issue has been resolved

I want to report an issue that occurs with Roon and OneDrive.

They usually work fine. However, sometimes when I don’t have OneDrive running and Roon tries to open a song that has not been downloaded from OneDrive cloud storage, the file is marked as “Corrupted.” This is the expected behavior of course.

However, after I start OneDrive, I expect Roon to realize that the file is no longer corrupted and unmark it. It remains “Corrupted” for ever and ever.

This is more of an aesthetic bug than a functional bug.

Personally, I would have Music files and folders marked as “Always keep on this device” to avoid this very issue…

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, it is not feasible for me to do that at this time. I have almost 1 TB of music on OneDrive, and my laptop does not have that kind of free storage. I usually have around 200 GB offline.

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