Filter function not finding recordings [Ticket In]

Having an odd problem I don’t know how to fix.

I have 5 recordings of a Bach organ piece - one on a single CD, one in a 14 CD set of complete Bach organ works, and 3 in a 222 CD set of complete Bach works. I’ve ripped all of those and can play all of them when I search for the album, select the individual piece and hit play.

My problem is when I try to search for the piece going through the composer page. I find Bach’s composer page, select Compositions, use filter to find the individual work and see 175 recordings. However, when I select the button to show only recordings in my library, only two recordings are shown. The 3 recordings from the 222 CD set don’t appear.

Any ideas on what could be going wrong?

It sounds as though the metadata for the three missing recordings is not sufficient or has errors that is throwing Roon off the scent, and it has not recognised these recordings as being of the specified composition.

Try using the Compositions browser (which just looks at the content of your Library) and use the filters in the column headings to narrow things down. You may find that Roon has identified the recordings with a different composition name.

If so, you can select the compositions (both the “real” one and the “fake” one) and merge them, setting the “real” composition as the primary.

It appears that Roon has identified the correct composition in all 5 recordings. At least, looking at each of the individual recordings, Roon has identical wording and all five entries indicate that (between the CDs I’ve ripped and Quboz (I think?)) I have 177 recordings available.

Yet when I go to Composer, Compositions, select the composition, I see only 2 of the 5 recordings I should.

I just tried this process with a couple of other tracks from my Bach 222 CD set, none of them show up as they should when I go through the Composer, Compositions, select the composition process.

Does a 222 CD set overwhelm Roon’s search capacity? Help.

Can you show screenshots of the Bach composition

  • as seen in the Composer list of compositions,
  • as seen in the Composition browser, and
  • as seen in the Composition detail page?

There’s obviously something going on, and some screenshots might help @support diagnose the issue. Can you also give some information on your setup as described here:


First, a screenshot showing the one listing for Bach’s Toccata and Fugue, for organ in D minor, BWV 565 (BC J37) [hereinafter “565”] under the Composers - Composition section.

Second, a screenshot showing the one listing for 565 under the Compositions section.

Third, a screenshot showing the three recordings of 565 in my 222 CD Bach set.

Fourth, a screenshot showing only two recordings of 565 under the Composers - Compositions - All recordings - filtered for recordings I own. The tree recordings from the 22 CD set do not appear.

I’m using a Roon Nucleus that i purchased in March of the year, connected to the web via ethernet, and connected to an Onkyo AVR via a HDMI cable. I use a MacBook for control.

One additional note - when I view all of this, one thing isn’t constant. Sometimes, when I look at the view provided by the third screenshot, The three entries for 565 do not show that i have 177 versions of the piece available. No other available recordings are shown. Not even 2 versions, which you would think would appear as there are three versions in this album.

Anyone have any ideas what’s going on?

Anyone have an idea as to what’s going on here?

Hey @Eric_Netteberg and @Geoff_Coupe,

Thanks a whole lot for discussing this topic and bringing it to our attention. I’ve taken this case to our team and they’ve been able to reproduce this behavior.

There’s a ticket with our QA team. We’ll follow up as soon as we have news :nerd_face:

Hey @Eric_Netteberg,

Not only are you not the only one who’s run into this, but we think we’ve discovered what is causing this and working on a fix.

In the meantime, here’s a workaround that should help with this: