Floor standing Speaker Advice

It’s difficult because there are a thousand brands, tastes, and endless variations of rooms. I would recommend to make a list of all speakers that you can listen to where you live (if any) and try to arrange a home demo for your 2 or three favorites. (If you don’t have audition options it is always a gamble because you might hate the sound of any speaker in your room. In this case ensure some way to return them)

I was looking in the 15K region, made a list of whatever was available in Berlin that I could visually live with (sound first yada yada, but there are limits if you have to look at them in the living room for 20 years), tried to listen to most of them … and then was unimpressed by them all. (Let me see what I remember: Focal, Dali, Paragon, Audio Physik, PMC. Some others I forgot. Can’t bear B&W visually. Was not able to arrange auditions for a few I would have liked: ATC, Kudos, Dynaudio)

Then I found my dream speakers around the corner which blew everything away at comparable prices.

(Pictures a few posts further up from there and additional posts further down)

It’s not ideal if you can’t audition them but although they are custom built they have a nice money-back guarantee (with some deduction for delivery and so on). Or maybe you always wanted to see Berlin. The website is only German but copy the address into Google Translate and it translates perfectly.