Focus on tags shows wrong results

Hi there, I have an issue which bothers me a lot. When I just want to see my classical music, I go to Albums -> Focus -> Genres -> Classical. This works fine … with the exception that a couple of albums make it in there which are not classical (e.g. Brian Eno). Even when I uncheck the tag under albums -> edit, these album shows up. In addition, some albums show up without having a tag “classical” at all (one such album is from my wife, “a-ha”, how awful). What can I do to fix this? Thank you

Hi @Jan_Michael,

If you manually remove the Classical genre from an album, it will no longer show up under this Focus. You can remove the genre by doing the following:

  1. Choose Edit on the album
  2. Go to Edit Album tab
  3. Uncheck the Classical genre
  4. Make sure you click Save

After this, you should no longer see the Classical genre applied and it should no longer show up under this Focus.

Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to reply - but this is exactly my issue … I take these steps and it still shows up under classical albums, even after a restart. See following pics … THANKS for any advice.

I uncheck “classical”, save, I check if it is unchecked (yes), and it still shows up even after a restart. The tag remains unchecked.In additions, some artists even do not have a classical tag at all, like a-ha. Why is it listed under classical? 'd like to note that this happens only with a handful of albums. But still…

I have noticed that the genres ‘stage and screen’ for sure and ‘film score’ may result in getting the album focussed on classical.
So please try to remove one by one to see which is being the czuse with you.

15 posts were split to a new topic: Focus on tags gives wrong results