Focus - Unavailable albums

Using Roon for many years now together with Tidal there are a lot of albums in my library that are no longer available but still show up in Roon. Maybe there already is feature for this, but if not it would be great to be able to focus in on them in some way, so they can be replaced by either the same album now in a different edition on Tidal or ripped/bought and stored locally. It would help clean up an old library really well and upgrade my collection.

It would be cool but there must be 10 open feature suggestions for this already

And a recent discussion was here:


It has always been an issue and always been a feature request.

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And, the issue has always stemmed from the nature of music licensing. The vagaries of music licensing are outside of our control. Each label/publisher handles things differently, which complicates the matter - but we are investigating a solution.


Personally, and I know I may be in the minority here, but having gaps in my playlists, or missing albums, which actually stops me from listening to my music, is far more frustrating than allowing Roon to make an educated guess. I normally sit down to listen to music, not a particular format or version.

Iā€™d be happy for Roon to pick the ā€™next best versionā€™ (based on some mix of popularity & quality, maybe local over streaming, possibly adjustable as a preference), until such time as I could manually select a better version myself.

note: I am not talking about Roon automatically replacing an album track with a modern remix of it or replacing a recording of a classical piece with a different version performed by the same orchestra in a different time and place. Rather the ā€˜clear cutā€™ cases where the replacement version has the same key metadata, track count and length as the missing version.

And yes, I do appreciate that what might seem simple on paper can often be fraught with complexity and trade-offs which wonā€™t make everyone happy, but that shouldnā€™t be a reason for not doing anything ā€” anyway, sounds like Roon are already investigating a solution so fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

While here, thereā€™s a slightly different use-case (to tracks dropping out of Qobuz/Tidal) which is the ability to manually select an alternative version in a playlist which itself feels tangentially related to both this issue and the library/non-library conundrum.

I know, and thatā€™s why I was only asking for a way for us to clean up the library ourselves with a function/focus to see whatā€™s currently unavailable, not a solution for Roon to find the updated edition or whatever the case may be for the files to no longer be listed. That seems like a much easier implementation as the files are already identified as unavailable in Roon. I just want a way to find them easily so they can be replaced? Thanks for cheking in @jamie :slight_smile:

Hey @Henrik_Richter_Schie, sorry, my response wasnā€™t directed specifically at you. Iā€™m sorry if it seemed like I was calling you out.

As I mentioned in another thread, the one @Suedkiez linked above, because of certain backend factors that are beyond our control, we arenā€™t always privy to these licensing changes.

Where we can, we mark the tracks unavailable. But in other cases, the album entity just goes poof and thereā€™s no way for us to alert customers of the change.

Yes, I understand that and have no problem with Roon in that regard, I just want a way to sort out the albums that are no longer available so I can replace them. No need to alert or fix them for us.

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This might work for tidal albums but Iā€™m not sure: select all albums in your Roon library and export them to a CSV file. The albums that are no longer streaming will have ā€œQobuzā€ in the ā€œFile formatā€ column. Maybe your unavailable tidal albums will show ā€œtidalā€ in that column

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