Folder Browsing [Never happening] 2016-03

Using ‘Overview’ ordered by ‘Date Added’ (which I think is the default sort order) would fit your requirements perfectly. Why wouldn’t this work for you?

I would think that this would work for you:

Go to the “Library” section and select “Tracks”

Choose “Date Added” for sorting.

Thank you guys… That is a good way to go for all future new music which was my main concern. The existing 500ish songs in that folder ill just batch tag. Good advice

You can focus on a top level folder with Tracks/Focus/Inspector/Storage Location. Bookmark that and no need for tags if you want to keep your folder method.

That is a complete solution. Now I can easily jump to that folder. Thanks for the advice

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What a pity, that it will never happen.
I have and listen to many Audiobooks. And as long as Roon labs does not support Audiobooks, it would be a great support within Roon to search for my Audiobooks by using my folder structure.

Make your Audiobook folder a top level Roon folder and use the above method.

If people really cared about climate change they would stop asking about folder browsing.

Totally on topic.


Sounds like this discussion may be missing what I think is a compelling reason for Roon having an option to let users store playlists in folders and subfolders. Most of the comments above that I read are talking about storing individual songs in a hierarchical folder structure. I don’t care so much about that as I do about storing playlists in a hierarchical structure. I am a musician and I work on music for lots of different projects. In iTunes I create playlists for each music project (say I create a playlist for a gig called “Bob’s Wedding”). I then want this playlist stored under a folder called “Weddings”. I may further want that under “Weddings in 2019”. How do I do this in Roon with less than 3 clicks of the mouse—which is how many clicks it takes in iTunes? If you have to do multiple backflips just to organize your playlists, Roon is not practical and hung up on a theory that is obviously incompatible with certain types of workflows like I’m describing.

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That may well be true but it isn’t going to make them add folders. Many users have kept other apps to do specific things they want, iTunes, jriver etc.

You could use Tags to tag your playlists i suppose. Like adding the Tag “Weddings” to each of your playlists. Think of Tags as a way to associate your library content with “keywords”. And as far as i know you can Tag anything in Roon?

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What we really need is album playlists aside from the track based playlists, lets call it ‘collections’ or something like that. Let me myself decide how I manage my collection on whatever criteria I choose. Album playlists would be very helpfull with it. I for one would be in no need anymore for any folder browsing. At this moment in time I still miss it very much. With album playlists I can make my own ‘collections’ of albums without having to use the dreaded tagging system, the whole tagging and bookmarking system leads to nothing but a total mess in a short time of usage. They do serve their purpose but are not meant and not good for this kind of usage.

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Folder users are dinosaurs!

Just tag your playlists, then bookmark your tags, then tag your bookmarks, then add those tags to your user profile, done,

In all seriousness, I’ve survived reasonably well without any sort of folder organization but only by layering tags on tags and keeping to only simple bookmark use. Use too many bookmarks and it gets hairy.

Roon resists all attempts at hierarchical organization. Might as well accept that as its part of their core philosophy, which I think is that its better to accidentally find a lost gem than it is to find what you’re actually looking for.



Or perhaps, don’t feed the dinosaurs?

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Or just feed the trolls to the dinosaurs. Let’s not be wasteful.


Exactly the kind of mess I’m trying to avoid.
I don’t need folder browsing but I want an easy way to make my collection according to my only personal criteria whatever that may be and it doesn’t even have to make any sence to nobody else then only me. That’s what I’m missing, nothing else. Roon is great in searching, linking etc but it pretty much sucks in just browsing around. Ain’t got nothing to do with dinosaurs

:rofl: Outstanding!

I forget what I was looking for…

I was being sarcastic but there is a thread of a solution in that statement. The issue for now is that Roon has only half-finished their “replacement” for folder organization, which is tags and bookmarks. Neither of those is fully developed or functional enough to completely replace the simple idea of organizing by folder. The potential is there, but the actual capabilities still limit what we can do.

I am definitely a lover of Roon - use it every day, all day, pretty much. But it’s very mixed feelings, as it seems that Roon is more on a mission to change people than they are to serve them sometimes.

When it comes to supporting musicians by helping people find and explore new music, I am on board with that ethos. When it comes to eschewing supporting ways that folks organize their libraries, I think they are on the wrong path. Or at least, after all this time, I’d like to see them really focus on finishing the necessary features to eliminate the desire/need for folder based organizing.

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