Follow/like a label?

I suspect I may be missing something, but perhaps this feature does not exist. I would like to follow and/or “like” a Label. As far as I’ve seen, I can do this with an artist, or an album, or even a track (I think), but what about a Label?

Example: I search for “Mahakala”. I find artists, albums, tracks, composers, compositions, and all the way at the bottom the label “Mahakala Music”. When I select the latter, I jump into “My Albums” with the filter set to that label. But I don’t see how I could add the label itself my library.

The purpose, in case you are wondering, is to track the fact that I like this label, and to hopefully give it some priority in algorithms, i.e. make it easier for me to stay up to date with new releases on the label etc.

Anything I’m missing? Or perhaps something that could be added?

It’s not possible to like a label, so I’ve moved your post to Feature Suggestions for Roon’s consideration. Don’t forget to vote for it if you wish to.

You have to add an album that’s related to that label.
Once you do this you can use focus to zero in on that label.

Thanks, Carl.

Yes – this approach would enable me to find the label again, should I forget what it’s called. However, my point is that I appreciate the good taste displayed be the owners of this label, and so I would like to follow them because I anticipate new releases from artists I don’t even know yet. Logically, following the label itself seems the most obvious way of doing this, hence my query. This just to clarify the use case further.

There are many existing feature suggestions for focusing on and searching for labels. Maybe some of them already cover what you are looking for. E.g., this seems to be the one with the most existing votes, and many similar ones are linked from there

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Thanks, I saw that thread. However, searching for the label was – so far – not my primary concern. My point is that I don’t want to search for the label manually, I want to follow it so that Roon updates me when there’s something new. Admittedly, I’m not totally sure that existing recommendation mechanisms take “likes” into account in any meaningful ways… maybe what I’m asking for is not possible with just one “follow” feature.

Generally speaking, I’m a collector. When I add artists or albums or tracks to my library, I do so because I don’t want to forget them. In the same way I want to add a label. On top of that, if my preferences are recognized by Roon and applied wherever it makes sense, that would be even better – and again, if that were to apply for labels just like other “items”, that would be cool.

I think there are others about using Focus on labels outside of the library. In all cases, I believe the implementation would be very similar, whether you use a search on demand or want Roon…

Under the hood, Roon would have to do a search anyway, just that would not be triggered on demand by you

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