Force to listen a qobuz playlist in roon?

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Description of Issue

There is any option to force to listen a qobuz playlist in Roon arc? I don’t see in arc an option to see only the qobuz content or playlist.

I’ve moved your question from the #support category of the forum to the #roon category since it’s more a “how can I do this?” question rather than a technical support issue.

Can you clarify what you mean by “force to listen”? Qobuz playlists are accessed via the Playlists tab on the Qobuz page in Roon.

You can play playlists from Qobuz in Roon, what exactly is your problem? You can’t search for playlists in Qobuz unless they are already added to your Qobuz library as a favourite. Roon displays a number of curated Playlists in the Qobuz section of the app. However there are many it doesn’t and any personal curated playlists that exist in the app are not available to Roon at this time due to api limitations. You can get around ones that are not easily found , by saving them as a playlist in the Qobuz app itself , this makes it a favourite and it will then sync through to Roon.

In Qobuz section

Saved Qobuz favourites in My Stuff. Ensure you have shared playlists selected or they won’t show.


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