Formats - Do they really ever die?

Most masters are digital today. All old analog masters ought to be digitized at some point if they are to be preserved indefinitely without any generation loss.

I’m all for digitizing analog media if you can’t or don’t want to get it in digital format. As I said, analog media is obsolete.

Until they turn to dust.

In your opinion…

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Vinyl was obsolete because of the C.D. , look how that turned out.


Yes, the CD was better, that’s why it took over. I’m not sure how you think that turned out though. The CD is now obsolete because we stream or download its content instead putting it on discs, not because the content itself is obsolete.

I visited some charity shops recently and CD’s also DVD’s were 4 for £1.00.
What does that tell you about physical media…


Well, the issue is that what you stream is not necessarily the same content as when the album was originally released. Take Genesis pre and post the 2007 remix/remasters. If you only listened to Selling England by the Pound, or Trick of the Tail via streaming you will have never heard the albums as originally released. And that is for a lot of material. So, access to the versions as released on “obsolete formats” is critical.

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That it is obsolete. That’s my point.

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Again saying “cd was better” is just an opinion, not a statement of fact.

We all have opinions and I sincerely respect others.

Maybe you could consider that option?

We hopefully all love the hobby for the music however it is delivered.

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It’s the master that matters, not the original release medium, isn’t it? Vinyl is not the most faithful representation of the master anyway.

It’s not an opinion. Red book format is demonstrably more transparent than vinyl.

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Yes, my point. Sadly, some of the best masters are locked away on older physical media.

Most probably they have been remastered in digital by now.

A few years ago I played an L.P. of Talk Talk, The colour of Spring, and also a C.D. of the same album to someone from work who had insisted that C.D. was better.
Mind changed quite quickly with me not having said a word.

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The best sound is r2r. Albeit expensive.

Haven’t heard one but I have only heard good comments about them.

I also have vinyl that never made it to CD or streaming too.


I hope you realize that’s not a fair comparison by any means. I also hope I don’t have to go into details as to why.

Feel free to go into details.
R2r is commercially available to buy, although limited to certain titles.
I recently purchased one and posted in listening to thread.