Fuerte ruido al arrancar mi equipo de musica

Buenas tardes,
la pasada semana recibi mi nuevo NUC10i7FNH, junto con tarjeta Crucial RAM 8GB DDR4 2400 MHz y SAMSUNG V-NAND SSD 970EVOPlus 250 GB.
Biblioteca aun no instalada, ni copia de seguridad realizada.
Sistema operativo: Version 1.0 (build 227) stable
Roon 1.8 (compilación 952)
Actualizado y configurado de Bios siguiendo instrucciones de Roon y de, Stephen_Mills Success installing Rock on my new NUC10i7FNH! que fue de gran ayuda.
Instalado Roon Optimized Core Kit, ffmpeg en carpeta codec, e instalo y configuro Roon en mi pc.
Hasta aqui todo perfecto.
Conecto Roon via Chromecast a mi Primare SC15 y sigue todo perfecto.
Mi intención era conectar Rock a al DAC de Primare SC15 por USB y aqui viene el problema. Teniendo en funcionamiento Rock, conecto el SC15 y se escucha fuerte chasquido seguide de “pssssssssss”, el amplificador empezo a oler y apague rapidamente.
He realizado pruebas y repasado todo lo hecho y no he logrado solucionar el problema. He probado Roon con un portatil via USB y funciona perfecto, cosa que ya habia hecho anteriormente. He probado todo lo que funciona en el PC, cable USB A/B y fuente alimentación en el NUC y no mejora nada. El PC va genial y el NUC no.
He leido muchas incidencias del foro y no he encontrado respuesta a mi problema. Tengo que devolver el NUC?, me podrian ayudar por favor.
Gracias de antemano.

Utilizar un traductor automático para que haya más apoyo. He hecho esto por ti.

Good afternoon,
last week I received my new NUC10i7FNH, together with Crucial RAM card 8 GB DDR4 2400 MHz and SAMSUNG V-NAND SSD 970EVOPlus 250 GB.
Library not yet installed, no backup made.
Betriebssystem: Version 1.0 (Build 227) Stable
Roon 1.8 (Compilation 952)
Aktuelle und konfigurierte Bios-Anleitung von Roon und von Stephen_Mills Erfolgreiche Installation von Rock auf meinem neuen NUC10i7FNH! which was a great help.
Installieren Sie Roon Optimized Core Kit, ffmpeg und Codec Folder, und installieren und konfigurieren Sie Roon auf einem PC.
So far so good.
Verbinden Sie Roon über Chromecast mit dem Primare SC15 und gehen Sie zur Perfektion.
Meine Intention Ära verbindet Rock mit dem DAC von Primare SC15 für USB und hat Probleme. Having Rock running, I plugged in the SC15 and heard a loud clicking sound followed by “pssssssssssssss”, the amp started to smell and I quickly turned it off.
I have tested and retested everything I have done and have not been able to fix the problem. I have tested Roon with a laptop via USB and it works perfectly, which I have done before. Er hat wahrscheinlich keine Funktion auf dem PC, Kabel USB A/B und keine Stromversorgung auf dem NUC und keine Zeit. The PC is running great and the NUC-Nr.
I have read many forum threads and have not found an answer to my problem. I have to return the NUC, could you please help me.
Thanks in advance.

I don’t know that Deepl did to the translation in your post. It is mixed German and English, and the German translation is very poor - I get a better one in German from Deepl for the same text.

Here’s the English one :slight_smile:

Good afternoon,
last week I received my new NUC10i7FNH, along with Crucial RAM card 8GB DDR4 2400 MHz and SAMSUNG V-NAND SSD 970EVOPlus 250 GB.
Library not yet installed, no backup done.
Operating system: Version 1.0 (build 227) stable
Roon 1.8 (build 952)
Updated and configured Bios following instructions from Roon and from, Stephen_Mills Success installing Rock on my new NUC10i7FNH! who was a great help.
Installed Roon Optimized Core Kit, ffmpeg in codec folder, and installed and configured Roon on my pc.
So far so good.
I connect Roon via Chromecast to my Primare SC15 and everything is still perfect.
My intention was to connect Rock to the Primare SC15 DAC via USB and here comes the problem. Having Rock running, I connect the SC15 and I hear a loud click followed by “pssssssssssssss”, the amplifier started to smell and I quickly turned it off.
I have tested and retested everything I have done and have not been able to fix the problem. I have tested Roon with a laptop via USB and it works perfectly, which I had done before. I have tried everything that works on the PC, USB A/B cable and power supply on the NUC and nothing improves. The PC runs great and the NUC does not.
I have read a lot of forum posts and have not found an answer to my problem. I have to return the NUC, could you please help me.
Thanks in advance.

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)

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