FYI: RoonOS 253 earlyaccess will move to 254 production automatically

I just wanted to let you all know that since RoonOS isn’t something that’s under constant revision like Roon and ARC it’s not going to go through the same ongoing test → release cycle as those products.

We don’t want to have you end up orphaned on the earlyaccess branch of RoonOS so we’re going to setup the update server to migrate ROCK and Nucleus devices which were updated with RoonOS 253 earlyaccess to 254 production. This rule isn’t in place yet, but at some point in the next day you’ll see an update notification in Roon and once complete your device will be on 254 production.


Done. Thanks.


weird, does your show OS version at 227 even after restart of Roon?

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I was about to ask :slight_smile:

i was able to reproduce the mismatch, but it was fixed on restart of remote.

i think the bug is a stale cache of the core we are connected to in the remote

Do I have to take additional steps to trigger the update? I’m still on 253, with seemingly no update in sight.

Same here


Perhaps this helps:

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Thanks! I have seen these posts but couldn’t find them any more. This worked, running 254 now.
But I was under the impression that no manual intervention is necessary:


Is the rule in place yet? Still on 253, no prompt so far. I can do it manually, but wondering …

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Ditto. If Roon is expecting it to roll automatically, it’s not happening. Doesn’t bother me functionally, obviously.

I reinstalled to RoonOS 1.0.254 via the Production file in Reinstall folder.

Yeah, I know how it works. Just letting Roon know that if they are thinking it’s happening automatically as announced, it isn’t (for everyone)

@connor @danny

I see this in “About”:

Is this 254 wanting to be installed? Clicking on “Read change log” just takes me to the Root of “Roon Software Discussion”.

FWIW I don’t get that, for me it’s “You have the latest version installed”


I am also still on “Version 1.0 (build 253) earlyaccess” with no automatic update to 254 …

@AMP is there anything you want us to do to check expected behavior and/or just start process manually?

Same issue here no option to update still stuck on 253

So now that early access is official, I’m still puzzled about this. Too much time on my hands obviously.

Core is on 1155 now … Rock is still on 253 … ???