Gaps and buffering 24/96 quality files in Roon Arc while using NordVPN to prevent multiple NAT issues


As described in title, after updating to newest version of Arc (138) there were interruptions in playback and buffering. Yesterday, listening to albums in this quality on the previous version of the application (128), such things did not occur and I had no problem listening to the entire album. Android version of the app on Samsung Galaxy s20 5g FE. Issues on cellular network. And I don’t have my Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 tablet with me to check if the problem also applies to it.


It turns out that the problem is with files from my server, not only 24/96, but also in 24bit 44.1kHz quality. Only 16bit files are played without gaps. HiRes files from Qubuz also work. When I get home, I have to look at the problem from the computer side. To access Roon Core on Arc, I use the Meshnet feature on NordVPN. But until yesterday everything was fine and nothing indicated today’s problem. I installed the new version of Arc on my phone but I didn’t check for cellular connection.

As for connections using the NordVPN client, it automatically connected to its servers and only from there using the Meshnet function, encrypted link was directed to the phone. I turned it off yesterday, leaving only the Meshnet function active to connect an encrypted connection directly between the computer and the smartphone. Fewer points on the map mean a faster or rather more stable connection. And today this problem started. I have no idea if it’s the fault of the new version of the application or maybe my changes applied to the VPN client.

Did you install the latest update yesterday that fixed some recent gapless issues? (I know you mentioned ARC 138 which would be from this update, but also make sure you updated your Core)

If not, please do and check again. Your issue may be different, but Roon support will surely want you to rule out that is just the known and fixed issue

I did not install the Roon Core update. Every time there is an update, a message appears, but I’m not sure if it was displayed yesterday. I’ll check when I get home.


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So, I checked what version of Roon Core is installed - it’s latest 1202 build. But I went into VPN client settings and unchecked Threat Protection which I turned on next to meshnet. For now it works, no gaps so far (3 songs). So it could be source of my problem. Now it only meshnet is on. If something changes I’ll write. Oh, and I will check Arc performance on my tablet.


I think I’ve solved a problem I created for myself :muscle: but it may be informative for those who want to work around the Roon ARC connection issue from outside their home network with NordVPN. Do not set up Threat Protection in the VPN client on the computer where your Roon Core is. It seems that despite the connection of two trusted devices set up in the Meshnet network, the Threat Protection feature still blocks some packets sent from ARC to Roon Core, causing interruptions in music playback. After disabling this option, I had no problems with playing music in HiRes quality, except for returning home after work during a winter attack - streaming HiRes files during heavy snowfall is not a good idea :wink: The mobile network does not work in such weather.

However, I need to think of another way around the multiple NAT problem as this causes a noticeable battery drain. If you are not using Roon ARC at the moment, it is better to disable Meshnet in the smartphone client.


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