Garbled & missing fonts

This isn’t just a Mac problem
I am using an alienware Alpha with 8GB RAM and its own custom NVidia Card (Maxwell). I have been getting frequent garbled fonts and images like Duke describes above.

How it gets fixed seems random. Sometimes I restart Roon and it resolves the next time. Other times I have to restart Roon a few times. Other times I have to restart the machine.

I hope this gets fixed.

I am still having this problem even after installing the latest Roon update.

When will this be fixed?

Hey @steveoat87 – I’ll be in touch soon and we can grab some logs and look into this.

Can you let me know approximately how many songs are in your library? You can find this information on the Overview screen.


344009 Tracks



Any word on how to fix.

This is a daily problem which renders Roon on my PC virtually unusable.


Hey @steveoat87 – I just sent you a PM. Unfortunately, I think this is a memory issues related to the size of your collection, so I’ve sent you a couple options for how we can move forward here.

Take a look and we’ll get this worked out for you one way or another. Thanks for your patience here!

I am the original poster of this problem … and the issue has now completely resolved.

The “solution” was Apple’s new OS , El Capitan.

It does not matter if I use the Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics card anymore on my 17 inch Macbook Pro now that I am using El Capitan (previously I would force to the “Discrete” AMD graphics card using a utility called GFX that Brian from Roon kindly recommended to me).