Genres - Adding/Copying multiple genres from artist (or an existing album) to a new album

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Description of the issue

Is there a quick way to add or copy multiple genres from existing genres listed for an album or artist? I have many albums with none or single genres when an album has no info in “Identify Album” or possibly only one generic genre like Pop/Rock when other albums from the band or the band’s home page lists several genres.

Is there a way to copy or add multiple genres so I don’t have to remember one or two from artist’s home page, enter the genres in the album and then go back and remember a few more and repeat the process until 4, 5 or 6 genres are entered for the album?


Unfortunately no. Here is a feature request for copying credits, which is very similar:

You can vote there so that I don’t feel so alone

Thanks for your help. I appreciate you taking the time to answer.

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