Handling "Various Artists" in library

Running current Roon server on QNAP, various clients, this about the Windows client…

I’ve noticed that on albums added to my library, of collections (the ones like “Modern Rock: 80’s Grooves” sorts) that I can’t filter the library by artists on the album. For instance, Squeeze “Tempted” is a track on the album, but I can’t find it by filtering in the artist view, or find the track and album when I use the search.

What is the right way to handle these collection CDs so the tracks and artists can be found? Right now i have to pick the right album (by guessing) to see the track list and find the track I want.

Thanks for any advice. Just to note, the FLAC file tags look good, and the match for the database appears correct as well. Looking at the track in the album track list, it says “Performed by Squeeze”.

Has anyone any advice?

Try track filtering in the “My Tracks” view. This seems to use a simple “text” based filter. Whenever I cannot find a track that’s what I do.

As far as I can see, the other search methods you mention tend to rely on prioritising “object” based filters which require roon to have identified the albums and even the individual tracks so that roon can cross-reference them and return them in queries. Roon in these cases, I find, may arbitrarily bury an unidentified but popular track below a threshold of 50 search results, effectively making it invisible. Many compilations are poorly tagged in the public databases that roon uses to make its identifications so at a track level much of your library is probably poorly identified and searches are not yielding useful results.

Thank you for your reply. If I add the “artist” column to the “My tracks” view and filter there, that helps. It seems like you can’t hide the “album artist” column, which is unfortunate.

What I do find odd is that search can’t find the right attributes. Seems like Roon populates the correct at least artist for the track, so not finding it from that is unexpected.

Also, I note that, in these cases, Roon has populated “album artist” frequently as “Various Artists”. The album name is the name of the collection, and the artist is the correct artist. I maintain correct ID tags on files, and I understand that Roon usually uses its own sources instead of those tags. Just seems like, for these random-collection albums, the Roon algorithm creates some counter-intuitive situations.

You Should be able to do this. What has probably happened is that you have Sorting set on the “Album Artist” attribute, so that it can’t be hidden, like this:

Select another attribute for sorting, and then you can hide “Album artist”:

Yes, occasionally Roon will have incorrect metadata and have a compilation album by an artist or a group marked with the Primary Artist credit as “Various Artists” instead of the artist names.

Here’s an example I found in my library:

I need to edit the album, remove the “Various Artists” from the Primary Artist links and put in entries for Maisky and Argerich… The Album Artist credit also needs to be corrected.

After editing:

BTW, I’ve moved this thread from the #support category to the #roon category, since the topic is more of a “how do I do this” rather than a “Roon isn’t working properly” question.

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