Has something gone wrong with Backup?

Trying to start a manual backup and get an error “waiting for server”

Music playing OK , connection normal , only problem is starting BU , goes to “Snapshotting Library” then “waiting for server”

NUC 10i7 , 32 GB RAM , 4Tb internal SSD

all ethernet connections

Build 1392

restarted sever no improvement

You’re using a ROCK/NUC, right?

Manual backup is working for me, so I think you’ll have to wait until the Support team can pull logs from your system for further investigation. Sorry.

Mind you, I backup to a USB drive attached to the NUC - same for you?

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Yep using ROCK/NUC

I was just checking if anyone else had a problem before digging into the system …

Everything else looks fine , so it can connect to server to play but not BU , I’ll see if the scheduled BU happens , it may well hang Roon ??

My BU is scheduled at 14:00, it ran successfully, beat that ?

I just executed the backup on my Nuc/Rock, after pausing the track that was playing, and it was successful.

Thinking I recall an instance in the past when I noticed an error triangle, top of home screen, that indicated a backup failure. I had left the music playing in the office overnight and assumed that was the cause.

Did not try the backup this time with music playing even though it says the music will be paused while the snapshot is taken.

I did notice this time when I checked that the Backup status last successful backup was showing 4/3 even though there had been 2 scheduled backups since then. The Status did update with the manual backup today.

This was from a cold start, nothing playing , just restarting from an overnight power down. Manually I couldn’t Force A BU Start

I know if any signal is playing auto BU fails. Manual force stops playback

Automatically at 14:00 it backed up correctly


Is the issue repeatable? If so, record a time when it happens so that you can point the Support team to the place in the logs for further investigation…

Yes I just tried again this morning when I “Force Backup” it starts, shows “Snapshotting” the crashes the NUC,

Before I try everything is normal, after I have to restart the Server from the Web Admin page. Any other action searches for the Server and can’t find it

Yesterdays scheduled BU failed because the PC where it copies to was powered down.

Just to confirm the Auto Schedule BU ran correctly at 14:00 today

It’s jus an error if you try to force a backup from Settings

Hey @Mike_O_Neill,

Apologies for the long delay in getting to your issue!

How are things running on the latest Roon build? If your issues persists, lets get a timestamp and we’ll take a closer look into what might be failing when you try to force a backup. :+1:

Hi @benjamin

Just updated to todays version and tried again

This what I see

Behind is the “Snapshotting first message screen”, it shows a Waiting for Server dialog as well. The only way out is to restart the Roon Server from the web admin page.

This was done at 09:30 Johannesburg time server started up around 7:30 , do you need me to do anything else.

I will allow the Auto BU to run this is set for 14:00 JHB Time, funnily the auto runs OK , the manual not.

NUC 10i7 - ROCK - 32 Gb RAM - 4Tb internal SSD

Hey @Mike_O_Neill,

Thanks for sharing that! We’re not able to connect to your Roon Server device for further inspection, could you please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader? Thanks, Mike!

HI Server and database log uploaded

the auto BU failed due to music playing , but I specifically wasn’t using Roon at the scheduled time

I will definitely make sure no music playing for todays scheduled BU

EDIT: Scheduled BU ran normally at 14:00


Hey @Mike_O_Neill,

I’m glad to hear your latest scheduled Backup ran smoothly. Your server logs unfortunately do not date back to the timestamp you shared in your previous reply, so I’m not able to provide any additional details there.

Let me know how things run over the next few days and if you run into any further issues. :+1:

More hints …

I had the UI app open on my Windows 10 PC , nothing playing

As the scheduled time passed , the appropriate messages started Snapshotting etc

Then the connection stopped , I closed the UI app, after an hour I restarted the UI app to find the BU had succeeded and the connection was remade without me restarting the server.

Do you want the logs ?

I see this in the UI PC LOgs

04/22 14:01:35 Trace: [remoting/remotebrokerv2] [Roon Optimized Core Kit] Connection dropped: Id: f3cacc48-2958-4ba3-908a-a53cb6586512 Name: Roon Optimized Core Kit: tcp=9331 tcpv2=9332, http=9330, inet=False, timestamp=2024/04/22 11:08:56

Hey @Mike_O_Neill,

My apologies for the delay!

Odd that connection stopped in this case, I think taking a look at logs may be helpful here - here’s the our File Uploader. :+1:

I am away at the moment , I will force a bu when I get back then zip the files as before , maybe Monday

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