More hints …
I had the UI app open on my Windows 10 PC , nothing playing
As the scheduled time passed , the appropriate messages started Snapshotting etc
Then the connection stopped , I closed the UI app, after an hour I restarted the UI app to find the BU had succeeded and the connection was remade without me restarting the server.
Do you want the logs ?
I see this in the UI PC LOgs
04/22 14:01:35 Trace: [remoting/remotebrokerv2] [Roon Optimized Core Kit] Connection dropped: Id: f3cacc48-2958-4ba3-908a-a53cb6586512 Name: Roon Optimized Core Kit: tcp=9331 tcpv2=9332, http=9330, inet=False, timestamp=2024/04/22 11:08:56