Headphone Crossfeed Problem with Schitt Bifrost Gen 5 USB DAC

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Linux laptop with Roon Server

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Xfinity modem

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Tinkerboard S with Diet Pi installed connected via USB to Schitt Bifrost Gen 5 USB Dac. DAC connected to a tubed Felix Echo headphone amp. Headphones are Beyerdynamics.

I previously used a Meridian Explorer 2 as my DAC in my headphone system and had no problems using Roon’s crossfeed program to make my headphones mimic the sound stage of speakers. Upon changing the DAC to a newly purchased Schitt Bifrost Gen5 USB DAC, every time I try to use Roon’s cross feed program all I get is a very loud continuous static like sound out of the headphones. I really enjoy the crossfeed mode for the headphones so any suggestions you might have to fix this anamoly would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @William_Saimond,

Can you please share some screenshots to help clarify?
Specifically, can you share a screenshot of:

  1. Your Device Setup tab for this zone
  2. Your DSP Engine Crossfeed tab
  3. Your Signal Path when there is content playing

Also, is the behavior the same if you bypass the DietPi and have the DAC connected directly to the Core?

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