Hegel country of origin

I purchased their H190 only after Hegel advised it would be Roon ready “very soon.” I’d read their apology saying they’d run late on their promises for about a year, so I figured they were close.
But it’s been 12 more months since then and my H190 is still not Roon ready.

Further, I discovered Hegel is manufactured in CHINA. Not Norway as they’d have you think. I avoid China products as a rule and feel I was tricked.
Hegel even covered the “Made in China” (required import marking) on the H190 with adhesive product stickers. They’re obviously hiding this. Not sure how Hegel got around this requirement on the outside carton.

Fooled me once (no Roon)… fooled me twice (Made in China)… I’m done with Hegel permanently.