Hegel Roon Ready status statement

Too late for me, sold my H590 almost a year ago. Now have KiiThree All-In-One speakers:

Less mess and cables in my living room, just Roon and the speakers and…. … faboulous sound I never achieved before using my H590/B&W combination…

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Today we are very happy to (finally) launch a firmware update that makes the first two amps Roon Ready. Those are the H120 and H190.
Now that we believe we have the recipe we are working full time on getting the H390 and H590 finished too. Hopefully it will not take long.

Firmware is already ready to download from the device menu.

Many things have changed since we need to re-write a lot of our software. Change logs can be found here:

All I can say now is sorry for the long wait. And thank you to those who have waited. I hope to be back soon with more on the H390/590


Anders congratulations on finally getting there.
I imagine things have not been easy, but you got there in the end.
Adding the H120 & H190 to my future check out list for my next purchase.


Great news, thanks!

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Congruations @Anders_Ertzeid and the entire Hegel team! It was worth the waiting!


Installed already on my H190 and working great so far!
After Hegel FW update, did a Roon update. Hegel H190 appeared under audio devices. It all took 5 minutes.



@Anders_Ertzeid Mazel Tov!
I look forward to trying it out tonight :wink:


I don’t suppose you want to give an estimated timeline for us 390 owners? :grimacing:

No, I dont really want to give out timelines on software development when it is not all in-house and also depending on a 3rd party (Roon) to certify. But with a platform that now works to Roon specs I doubt that there are any major hurdles. :slight_smile:


Some people on this forum who are very fond of speaking negatively about this topic will not be happy with this news :wink:

Great job!


Yes, some people should be reconsidering their words today…

I will be one of the first to say I did not truly expect it to happen given the prior history but congratulations to Hegel to finally getting there ( at least for two units)
Hopefully the big boys will be certified very soon to make all Hegel owners happy.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hegel H390 Sound Quality

Congratulations to all, this is really good news

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It’s working well for me so far. The volume has dropped significantly though. I now have to turn it to 80 to get roughly the same level as 60 before (with the ifi zen stream in line). Please let me know if there’s another adjustment other than the Roon DSP which I have turned off. Thank you.

It’s great to finally be able to use the Prev / Play / Next buttons for Roon control now. Volume control in Roon also works properly.


Max Volume works differently now, effectively scaling the 100 Max volume if you’ve set a cap. It’s worth checking the latest manual on the Hegel site for this.

Finally the amp switches on when I press play in Roon. Power button was always missing on the remote.

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If you mean the remote control with eg. the H190?
Middle button second row on the RC-8, marked «eco».