Help, Roon is in an indexing loop

Nucleus Internal SSD & Novus Oyen

Artists 20424 - Albums 56840 - Tracks 727120 - Composers 216

Seagate 16TB

Nucleus + 32 mb

Netgear Nighthawk AX12, Ethernet to Nucleus+

Connected Audio Devices - Naim Uniti Atom

Number of Tracks in Library -721,304

Description of Issue - Forever stuck on indexing making Roon playback and search almost impossible

I’d powered off my Nucleus and powering back on a few days later seemed to cause the re-indexation of my music files. Since it started 2 days ago the indicator suggests I’ve at least 80% to go.

I’ve cleaned up my library but to no avail.

Hi @Paul_Elliott,

Thank you for your post and we’re sorry to hear you’ve had to endure an indexing marathon. At your convenience, can you provide a log set to our QA team?

You can use the directions found here to send over a set of logs to our File Uploader.

@support Hi Connor,

I’ve just uploaded the server log files named

Many thanks


Hi I notice that indexing has stopped and I’m able to use Roon now. I see that I have 2 copies of my Roon_databs folder with the same date on each file. I’m attempting to delete to 2nd file which is up to over 120k files deleted so far. Perhaps this explains the long indexing time.
Was I right to delete the 2nd folder and why do you think this occurred?

Hi @Paul_Elliott,

Please accept my apologies for missing your earlier question until now.

Can you please share a screenshot of your Watched Folders page in the Library tab, as well as any automatic Backups you have created in the Settings → Backups tab?

Do you additionally have a large number of tags applied across your library?

The duplicate RoonServer folder is possibly a consequence of a Backup location pointing to the same volume hosting your database. I’d verify that you don’t have overlapping destinations hosting Backups and your Roon local library.

The slow indexing might be a performance issue with large numbers of tags, or a single tag applied across a large percentage of a library. Larger libraries like yours would be more vulnerable to symptoms - we have a fix testing right now in #earlyaccess, so you can expect some improvements here with the next release of Roon.

I’ll keep an eye out for your response. Thank you again for your patience.

Hi, thanks for getting back to me and in answer about my tags I don’t use tags.

Roon is currently not available to me as I finished backing up my music library
and I’m trying to use a Dell Latitude E7440 i5 as a Roon sever with the external drive containing
the backup of my music files. It’s been taking nearly a week to add the files to Roon :slight_smile:

Hi @Connor I’ve switched back to my Nucleus+ and after about a week with Roon being relatively speedy I added a few albums to my library Roon suddenly decided to rescan all my files and analyse the library while adding files. So now Roon’s totally unusable and I’m having to listen to music using the Tidal app. :frowning:

The rescan is a consequence of introducing folder browsing in the latest update I believe. It’s to get local file sizes cached within the Roon Server.

Hi Conner,

Some 19 hours later Roon is still scanning and adding files. I’m concerned that the ‘adding files to library’ indicator has hardly moved. Will this change after the ‘rescanning files’ indicated has finished? Otherwise I’ll be waiting for years for Roon become usable again.

There is definitely something odd going on with this update. My ROCK started rescanning after update and 12 hours later it was still at it (blue spinning circle top right). Or so it seemed but I think it was stuck half way through my library (approx 75k out of 150k tracks). It did this scanning overnight so I don’t know exactly when it seized up after update. Looking at the Mac client in the morning it just crashed and disappeared, no error messages. When I restarted the client it was all back to normal, no scanning taking place. Looking at the ROCK status page showns that Server didn’t crash and restart, just the Mac client it seems.

I also have 700,000 tracks and only one folder and the scan after the latest update took 30 hours cc @connor

Mine’s up to about 40 hours, and Roon is unusable while it’s doing this. :frowning:

When you say you only have one folder, do you mean that you don’t have the tracks in album folders?

right; just one folder on qnap being monitored

I suspect (but can you please confirm) that you mean that you have one Watched Folder, but that folder does in fact contain album folders…

Nope, no separate folders in the watched folder. Just Albums/Artists/Tracks And the scan started automatically after I did the latest update to extract metadata and art work it notified me, with progress monitored by the bar. It took 30 hours. cc @connor

Sorry, I’m still not clear on what your organisation is. What do you mean by “Albums/Artists/Tracks”?

Surely you don’t have 700,000 files all sitting at the top level in your single Watched Folder?

Music: Artists [I exported my library when I converted from Sooloos]

I’m having the same problem as well. Very frustrating. It’s not clear to me why Roon won’t allow users to disable the rescan function?

at this rate it won’t stop for months

Suddenly it stpped indexing after about 5 days :slight_smile: