Help setting up DSP

Hi all

New to Roon and have the below items set up

Nucleus Plus
Aurilic Aries G1
Chord Qutest DAC

I am looking at setting up for optimum settings any help would be appreciated for file settings and upsampling etc


Welcome, there’s lots of information about all of those topics on the forum, search in the forum or use Google search to see opinions, there are many! :smiling_face:

The chord DACs all do internal upsampling so I personally wouldn’t upsample. The Aries is roon ready so the settings should be fine to start with.

That leaves room DSP and that is a big topic. Search for room DSP and read some of the threads, this being the main one

Thanks so much @ged_hickman1 I really appreciate it, I will have a read through the notes.


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