High CPU usage reported during Roon operation (ref#1X0S4G)

What’s happening?

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Describe the issue

High CPU Usage

Describe your network setup

Unifi 2.5G Networking - Diet Pi Server (VM)

Some further explanation. When sitting idle CPU cores start to hit 100% and bounce around from core to core, for no reason. This doesn’t happen when the server is newly installed, however after a few days the strange behavior happens .

I’ve uploaded my logs to you server.

I have c.250k audio files.

Driving me potty !

Also note the issue persists after a reboot (post boot auto library scan)

Hi @Ant_Vincent,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue. I’ve activated diagnostics on your account and I’m seeing some serious irregularities. I’m wondering if there may be some corruption in your database. Especially since it doesn’t happen right away with a new install. Do you have any backups from before the high CPU usage started?

Hi sorry I don’t.

What issues would the irregularities cause, as I’m having zero issues playing music, works perfectly.

The irregularity is that most of the diagnostics we got back from your server were empty. Normally I would expect that to mean that Roon is crashing on start up. But since that isn’t happening I guess it’s nothing to worry about. Though it does make it more difficult to figure out if the high CPU usage is a problem or normal operations. Roon can be pretty beefy software. Especially when analyzing new tracks. If you aren’t experiencing any problems though I wouldn’t worry about the CPU usage. I can tell you that on my server Roon has the highest CPU usage of all the programs I have active right now.

It’s started again…. Could you log in and check what’s going on?

also this issue has now merged:

Hey @Ant_Vincent,

Our apologies for not seeing this earlier but are you able to move your setup to something not running on a VM? They technically fall outside the scope of our support.

Let me know if this is possible and we’ll be able to take a closer look, thank you!

What a cope out. you’re happy taking my subscription every month

Help me resolve and explain by i am now all of a sudden having metadata improver error warnings, when my network is rock solid, and in fact ARC works perfectly??

Hi @Ant_Vincent,

We don’t have any diagnostic logging available, because the VM on which you’ve installed RoonServer is interfering with log population and upload to our diagnostic servers.

The technical support team has asked if you can temporarily migrate your RoonServer and reproduce the issue so we’re not attempting the Gordian task of troubleshooting remotely without any logs or diagnostics.

ARC’s ability to reach RoonServer via an open port doesn’t necessarily indicate that RoonServer has a reliable and unobstructed pathway to all upstream servers.

Until we have access to logging, we can’t diagnose what processes are drawing CPU or when the connection drops out.

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