HighRes Badge Missing on Album Cover (ref#H4NKLW)

Affected Product


Roon Core Platform


Roon Core Specifications

Mac Mini M1 2022 8gb

Connected Audio Devices

Mutec MC3 +USB/ Silent Angel M1T

Home Network Details


Roon Issue Category

Interface & Usability

Description of Issue

I would like to have a HighRes badge on the Album Cover (e.g. Qobus)


1 Like

I think this is probably a feature suggestion, not an issue as such (as it’s not expected to exist). I seem to recall that a request already exists in #feedback:feature-suggestions but I can’t find it now.

In the meantime, not sure if you know that you can enable showing the album format below the cover. It’s not a badge but maybe helpful. Settings > General > Browsing Preferences > Customize Album Display > Show Album Format.

Hu Suedkiez, you are right, its a featurerequext not a issue. But roon asked for beta tester, so why not. Thanks for the hints. You might close the issue as solved

No harm done, I guess, but I note that they also asked this :slight_smile:

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