Highres tracks on Qobuz don't make sound

Having similar new issue after recent update as well. Think it is only Qobuz tracks and not local files that are involved. There seems to be variability in that a track in the playlist may play, be skipped, or act like it is playing without any sound output. I’m using HQplayer but think that has happened without HQplayer, also.
My best guess it is related to sample rate changes between tracks. I would love any suggestions to fix this issue.

After my post yesterday I did find that my recent issue is related to hires tracks on Qobuz which no longer emit sound. This happens with or without sending the music through HQplayer. When a cd quality track comes on there is no issue. I’ll try rebooting everything this morning before work begins to see if it persists.

This issue is persisting following rebooting roon and the mac mini m1 that hosts roon. Have to head to work now.

I rebooted RopieeXl as well which did not change the hires playback issue.
All my system is on Ethernet. Roon on M1 Mac mini- RopieeXl on an Allo USB sig- sdx usb to dual bnc converter- chord Qutest.

I was just able to play a hires file on my phone using Roon on the Mac mini . Pathway showed a bunch of conversions in Roon muse before it sent it to my phone, whereas there is no muse conversion occurring on my usual pathway .

If I use muse to upsample on my main set up and do not use HQplayer at all, I can play hires Qobuz. I cannot play hires natively. I cannot play hires using HQplayer with or without Muse doing the upsampling.

Hello @William_Woodard ,

I split your post into its own thread, it is much better to troubleshoot issues separately from other user reports on the forum, even if symptoms may seem similar, the root cause may be different. Are you able to log out and back into Qobuz, does that help?

Thank you for the attention. I think the issue may be in the last Ropiee update for the Allo USBsig. I tried signing out of Qobuz in Roon and then back in and that did not help. It turns out that it is not only Hires Qobuz tracks that do not emit sound. No tracks, local or Qobuz stream, are emitting sound through Roon on M1 Mac mini via ethernet to Ropiee/Allo USB sig/Qutest dac without using sample rate conversion in Roon.

However, If I insert HQplayer into the chain I can play 16/44 files without sample rate conversion in Roon but no Hires files. If I try sample rate conversion in Roon then HQplayer does not play any sound. I can play all tracks through the built in mac mini speakers using Roon without having sample rate conversion enabled, but downconversion is being performed for the hires tracks above 96 kHz as expected. This makes me think the issue is with Ropiee.

All of the tracks appear like they are playing in all of the scenarios with normal time passage in both Roon and, when activated, through HQplayer. It even shows the sample rate conversion being performed in HQplayer and the correct signal pathways in Roon under all the scenarios.

I have a new Rpi4 coming in tomorrow and will try Ropiee on it. Maybe it is the unique Ropiee for Allo USBsig that has the issue. Both Roon and Ropiee did updates right before Christmas.

I installed Ropiee on a new RPi4. I am using the same pathway as before except for the RPi instead of the Allo unit. This did not cure my issue.

Stupid question quite possibly but…
Have you checked that you have Qobuz inside of Roon set to allow hires streaming?
Under settings: service: Qobuz:edit you should see this and hopefully not CD quality 16/44.

Hey thanks for the reply. Yes the Hi-Res is enabled in the Qobuz services box dialog. In fact I get great Hi Res playback but just have to use Roon sample rate conversion to get any sound production with this pathway of devices and software. It’ll play normally on the built in Mac mini speakers that hosts Roon, which makes me now think it is a Ropiee issue. I guess I could go flash Moode or Volumio and see if that fixes this issue, but I’d rather not have to fiddle with those.

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I would ask Ropieee Dev @spockfish to see if he can assist you.

Ok well it was worth double checking.
Good luck with this!

Thanks for helping out. It is a strange issue and I’m surprised I have not seen others with the same problem. I was thinking of dropping HQplayer from my playback chain, so this problem may be more fortuitous than I initially realized.

Hi @William_Woodard,

We want to make sure we support you through to an ideal conclusion to this thread. If you’re still encountering this problem:

Please share a screenshot of the Device Setup page for the affected Zone, as well as a screenshot of Signal Path under the conditions in which you experience the issue. If you have a recent timestamp, we’ll pull diagnostic logging to inspect what’s going on with the audio transport.

Thank you!

Thanks. Here are some screenshots. That time on the last screenshot is Eastern Time in the USA.

I just installed Ropiee update 2025.1 and still have no playback sound unless performing sample rate conversion in Roon.

The Roon update 2.0.46 of Jan 14 or 15 seems to have fixed my playback issue. It did lose my Rpi connection. However, after toggling local access under the privacy settings of the mac mini, rebooting the mac mini, and then rebooting Ropiee on the Rpi, I now can play files natively through Roon or send them unaltered to HQplayer for upsampling.

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