Horizontal scrolling [not on roadmap]

But there are so many examples of “designed by committee” failure, it’s become a pejorative phrase in of itself. It’s not a panacea.

I always think of Homer’s car and laugh.

There was vertical scrolling for new releases — albums and singles.

No “I” from me. Just looking through all the 1.8 post and using logic.

Not looking for a debate here. I just see a lot of unhappy folks with this latest release. Don’t get defensive, it won’t work, especially with me. Like I said, I will keep it around and make adjustments and just maybe some things will change at a later time.

Next topic please!

Go on. Have you done some sort of statistical analysis?

Oh. Right.


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Wow. So I personally prefer non-paged vertical scrolling, but but but… this was a remarkably well-written, well-researched, well-evidenced and thought-provoking post. I still think that in this use-case (where there isn’t the metaphorical concept of an “article” to lean on) that non-paged scrolling is preferable, but you made me consider my pre-conceived notions and realize that your case is a very reasonable one - and I had not thought that before. I could probably live with either if implemented well. But I am mobile-first (iPad and iPhone are primary remotes), and though I use it a lot, I increasingly find Flipboard clunky because of its ‘detents’. ANyways, bravo on a well-written case.

That has nothing to do with the scrolling…another issue entirely and no I’m not a fan of it either.

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Yes. I remember and I also thought there would eventually be some consistency with the UI, but in terms of a consumption/production use case.

It’s the consumption/production use case that seems to be the real fault-line here. Maybe they just really are incompatible. A primarily consumption roon will have to compete in a much more price sensitive market though it seems to me.

And this is the question… I just don’t know. Is there a way to thread the needle where you capture all the ‘new vertical touch smaller screen UI, streaming more than library’ users and keep the ‘large screen horizontal primarily local library’ happy. I dunno. Would take me a few months with a good product team to come up with an answer, and I’m not sure if I’d do it better. Luckily i have a day job.

The book or magazine analogy was used often on the vertical scrolling thread as counter argument but it’s a streched one at best.

A book or magzine has borders which are always within the viewers frame of reference. If horizontal scrolling were implemented like this in Roon the the vertical axis would have to be permanently fixed to the height of the monitor.

Of course that’s not going to happen so we eneded up with this odd mish-mash of vertical and horizontal, often bound within the same page.

Sadly, for what its worth I think the answer is no. I’d be very interested in a cheaper consumption only roon with almost no configuration options and all the production clutter stripped out.

@danny, that you have been using the latest release for 6 months and not been able to discover bugs that your field “beta” users discovered 2 days before the release within 15 minutes of starting up the program speaks volumes about the reach and validity of your internal processes.


Yes, yes, especially if the de facto now is vertical scrolling.

There are still some areas where horizontal scrolling is needed in iOS tho… either its V or H get it sorted.

As mentioned elsewhere I use my wife as an example. She has refused to use ROON because of horizontal scrolling, feels unnatural and clumsy after years of iTunes. Are word processors such as Microsoft Word or photo software such as Apple Photo or Googles Photos horizontal, no vertical. She could cope with Audirvana but not ROON.

Finger joints are flexion/extension not abduction/adduction when using a magic mouse or windows wheel. Much more intuitive and ergonomic. Computers are not page turning magazines but naturally vertical scrolling. Just look at the webpages of newspapers or magazines. Unless you flick through a paper replica they are all vertical for a reason.

I’m sure she is not the only one to now (or in the future) be comfortable using ROON.


I think the whole discussion about scrolling should not be so focussed on horizontal vs vertical scrolling but on the question why we have to do so much scrolling in Roon in the first place. With a little bit higher information density and a little less prominent useless information like your own name we could get away with half the scrolling we have to do now and at the same create a much better overview.

I for one would love to be able to see album art, album title, artist name AND all tracks of this album on one screen without having to do any scrolling at all. Or at the very least all tracks of an album on one screen. For the features that come after this basic info I couldn’t care less if I have to get there horizontally or vertically.


Yes. A lot of scope to reduce scrolling with a simpler layout. Not sure I get the micro-segmentation of all the recommendation banners. Recommended, collaborators, prime etc… Couldn’t this all just be rolled up into one section?

Cant even remember horizontal scrolling anymore. :+1:

Yes, this clutter needs to be reduced / eliminated so you get to the essence more quickly. For me all this „Top“ and „Popular“ stuff is a total waste of space.

I do like some guidance with an unfamiliar artist/work etc. But a couple of album suggestions aggregating all this recommendation logic would be enough. Maybe others like this segmentation. Couldn’t that be done with a few buttons?

Yes, that box proposing a few albums with „Similar Artists“ is ok. Or more Albums of the same artists. But please not more than that.

There is no value add having Short Short listed everywhere left right and center as „Top Perforner“