Hi all,
I’m new here and have a question that I assume is easy to answer for you guys. How can I add a picture to an artist that Roon doesn’t know or doesn’t provide a photo of.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Hi all,
I’m new here and have a question that I assume is easy to answer for you guys. How can I add a picture to an artist that Roon doesn’t know or doesn’t provide a photo of.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Hi Lenny!
Welcome! Give me 2 minutes and I’ll send you some screenshots to show you how it’s done. It’s not complicated at all!
Beat ya!
Sorry, I can’t find the “Editor”.
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much - to both of you!
You’re welcome. Glad we could help. I’ll add “ANSWERED” to your question!
I’ll add a fav artist added photo or two.
The wonderful Brooks Williams who I’ll go to see at any opportunity. He also runs great Guitar workshops.
Thanks a lot! Now I know how it works! Took me a little, but the pics helped - probably too early in the morning.
Keep in mind that to get the full banner treatment, as opposed to just a small box of an image, the image needs to be at least 960 pixels wide with an aspect ratio of at least 1.55. I just tried to add an image of an artist that was 2,343 pixels wide by 1,541 high. Plenty wide, I figured. Nope, got the boxy little image, did the math and the aspect ratio is only 1.52. Cropped it a little and that did the trick.
That’s a very useful tip. Thanks a lot, @kneville!
You can also now use Art Director.
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