I have installed the Roon apk file in the package center. But now I can only access the server of “This PC” (as the upper one in the snapshot), while the NAS (linux 4.4.302+/ cannot be accessed, which shows it’s ready.
I have installed the Roon apk file in the package center. But now I can only access the server of “This PC” (as the upper one in the snapshot), while the NAS (linux 4.4.302+/ cannot be accessed, which shows it’s ready.
Let’s zoom out and confirm your intentions in adding a second RoonServer.
Are you trying to migrate your existing Roon database to a new machine? If so, please be sure to follow the steps in this guide, in addition to the Synology-specific steps shared above:
This will prevent overlapping database instances from interfering with controller and ARC connectivity.
Do you have a Backup of your current database? If so, fully remove the Roon database on the PC by deleting the RoonServer folder:
Make sure the RoonServer instance on the Synology is online