How’s Roon on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS?

Has anyone tried Roon on Noble Numbat x64?


Don’t know about Ubuntu. But my Roon Server runs rock solid on my 2014 Mac Mini with the latest Linux Mint.

Are you referring to Roon Server (native Linux) or Roon GUI?

The former should work fine, but the latter won’t, since there are no Wine libraries for Numbat.

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Sorry, yes, I should have specified I’m on Ubuntu Server, running Roon Server. No GUI at all: lights-out rackmount server computer.

Sounds like I’m good to upgrade in that case?

Not tried personally, but I can’t imagine that 24.04 and 22.04 are built all that differently that would cause any issues from a do-release-upgrade. But now that you mention it, time for me to run the upgrade as well.

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I had a test server ruining fine on 23.10 and didn’t see it pop up as an issue during the upgrade, so think you’ll be fine.

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Just installed 24.04 desktop and winehq-staging 9.8. Roon GUI is running fine.

When I wanted to install Roon on Wine, WineHQ hadn’t sorted the new binaries for Numbat, so I installed stable from the Ubuntu repo. This works fine, too, and is stable over 24+ hours.

I installed Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS about 3 days ago and have been running Roon Server since then.
The database was not taken over, and since it was a clean install, the playback time is about 12 hours, but it is running very stably with no dropouts.

Operating System: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
          Kernel: Linux 6.8.0-31-generic
    Architecture: x86-64
 Hardware Vendor: Intel_R_ Client Systems
  Hardware Model: NUC12WSHi7
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Roon Server running stable and no issues after upgrade from Ubuntu LTS 22.04 → 23.10 → LTS 24.04
Roon GUI on Windows/Android. (Also without issues :wink:)

(The stepping stone to and from 23.10 because a direct upgrade LTS 22.04 → LTS 24.04 isn’t supported yet.)

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I am running Roon on Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS, i suspect a memory leak.
After a couple of days some endpoints suddenly stop working, all endpoint are gone from the gui.
When i reboot the server all endpoints reappear and work for day again.
On the old installation (Ubuntu 22.04 Server LTS) i had no problems, everything was running without any problems.
Roon is the only application used, and the machine is headless.

The gaps are there because i disconnected all my precious devices due to thunderstorms.
I use zabbix 6.4.x as a monitoring tool on my private network.

Below the graph with on the left Ubuntu 22.04 and on the right 24.04 from the 29th of may.

Edit: I did a new install on the core machine, not an upgrade.

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Follow up after a downgrade from Ubuntu 24.04 Server LTS to 22.04 Server LTS.
The problem with the dissapearing endpoint has not occured yet, also the memory usage is better.
So far so good :slight_smile:

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Update; not all is pink clouds and unicorns :wink:

The Roon server has been on for a week without listening to music.
After a while of listening again, the music suddenly stops and devices are not visible.
The Roon service is running, without errors in logging etc, but does not respond to clients.
When i restart the roonserver service, everything comes to life again.

I have never had this issue before on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server.
Downgrading from 24.04 has not made things better.

I will investigate more, but have a strong feeling that there are issues with the roonserver service and/or (updated) libraries.

Next, i will upgrade to 24.04 LTS server again and reinstall the roonserver.

Anoying stuff :frowning:

The issue you have seems to be unique to your setup. I’ve run Roon server on Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, and currently 24.04 without issue.

If the server can’t locate the endpoints, then something is blocking. Are you running UFW or VLANs, or something else that could affect discovery?

There is nothing blocking, all endpoints and core are in one subnet.
I use vlans but that is not an issue.
Using the same setup without changes, after a while all endpoints dissapear.
A restart of the roonserver * solves it for a while.

I ran Roon on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server, 22.04 and now on 24.04.

We’ll see what happens with my core again on 24.04 and see if i can solve the issue.

* systemctl restart roonserver

*** please do not comment with;» it is your network, restart all things including your router», it is not that.

I put Unbuntu on an old Mac mini (2012 with 512mb) and runs perfectly - haven’t had to do anything in over a year.

I did not have any issues until now, and want to solve it :wink:

Using vlans and managed switches can produce always troubles in using Roon.
Had in former times (many years ago) also problems with disappearing endpoints, while using vlan and four managed switches. Obviously I’m an IT professional I couldn’t solve the problem completely and so I decided to eliminate all managed switches and since then this problem never occurs again.

Then, I’m afraid, you’re probably on your own. Sounds very much like a network related problem … the same symptoms I and others have experienced before.