How to automatically copy files from NAS to Roon Nucleus internal storage?

Roon Server Machine

Roon Nucleus B

Networking Gear & Setup Details

eero mesh wifi

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

19,890 tracks

Description of Issue

When I rip CDs or convert audio files, I store them on a Synology NAS. Roon is able to monitor the network folder & catalog the tracks as I add them.

However, I’d prefer to play tracks from the 1TB SSD internal storage on my Nucleus B (to minimize any latency from the network or NAS hard drive).

How can I configure the Nucleus to automatically copy any music files I add to my NAS?

Or, if Roon can’t do that, then on my Windows 11 PC how do I map the Nucleus internal drive so that I can use a third-party app to synchronize with my NAS?

Your NAS will have an app, probably the backup app, that can mirror a NAS folder to the Nucleus internal storage over SMB.

I’m not familiar with Synology but on QNAP this is the HBS (Hybrid Backup Sync) app, I’m sure there’s something similar on Synology.

You can access the internal storage over SMB as described here in principle:

When you switch over, make sure that the Nucleus never sees both copies of the music files at the same time, as described here:

Thanks for the tip! I’ve figured out how to map the Nucleus drive, and am looking for a Synology app that will mirror or sync the NAS files to the Nucleus.

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I‘ve moved the thread to QNAP/Synology NAS as Support deals with issues when Roon doesn’t work right. I suppose a Synology user will know. @DDPS surely :slight_smile:

The bundled Hyper Backup on your Synology should work just fine.

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So, as far as anyone knows, Roon doesn’t have the ability to set up the automatic import or synchronization from NAS to the Nucleus?

Correct, the Nucleus cannot do this, as stated above it has to be driven from a 3rd party device / software combination.

In your case this would be best achieved on the NAS as that where your “master” files are.

@Barry_Smith2 to reiterate - you would use HyberBackup on your Synology to “push” changes to your Nucleus.

EDIT - I just did some research and realize now that I don’t think Nucleus supports rsync the way that ROCK does, so I don’t think this is possible unless someone else here has Nucleus experience with rsync…I am sorry I can’t be more help on my own…

(For the non- Synologyans here…Synology DSM lets you mount external SMB/CIFS shares to read/write, but Hyper Backup can’t write to those.)

@Barry, given the above, I’m going to try to go back and frame a different solution - the speed of spinning disks and your network — unless your are running a WiFi network between your Synology and Nucleus, which is never recommended — should not present any performance issues whatsoever. Music — despite what many people think— is rather not that data intensive. Most folks use a Nucleus or ROCK with an external NAS just fine.

I know this isn’t what you originally wanted, but I think it might be your best bet unless someone can show how the rsync service (which Hyper Backup supports) is accessible on your Nucleus.

I use Cloudsync on my Synology NAS for this.
I mapped the NUC with ROCK (you your Nucleus) to the NAS. Then I use Cloudsync, using WebDAV, to upload new music files to my NUC Rock. It works without problems in the background.

I do not rip but download music files. I send them via Synology Drive from my MacBook to the NAS. Cloudsync sends it to the NUC.

On my side, I mount with smb the Rock storage in my Nas. I manually add files , copy/paste from time to time.

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