I believe that is already in the the Build you have
Go to the Album Browse screen…Duplicates set to Yes in Settings
Right Click on the First Version of the Album that you wish to make a “Set” from
Then simply click on all the others that you wish to join that Set
Then go to Dropdown box in top right hand corner of screen
Choose Group Duplicate Items from the Menu
All X Albums that you have chosen will now be in that Set
Now Turn Duplicates off
Click on the Album cover that you just grouped into a Set
In the Album Detail screen under the Cover, you will see an “Other Versions of this Album” button
Click on this, and you will see a list of all the Albums you’ve just grouped
Roon will default to making the Highest Res version the Default…but as you can see, you now have the option to make an alternative version the “Primary” version for that Set