How to read album randomly

Good day,

I would like to know how to read a complete album randomly ?


What do you mean by"read’ ?

Thanks for your answer

To play.

I would like to listen my music per album and randomly in my collection

Ah ok. All the tracks on each album but the albums in random order. I don’t think there is a straight forward way of doing that.

You would “Play” the Album then click the shuffle icon (looks like infinity symbol). If you have shuffle already set, then it will just shuffle, I think.

That plays the tracks shuffled, I think, the OP wants the albums shuffled. All the tracks in the right order within a shuffled set of albums.

Exactly Ged, you’re correct.

If I understood the requirements correctly, there is an existing extension covering that: Roon Extension: Random Radio v0.2.0 (do the album shuffle)

As someone who pretty much only listens to full albums, I use the extension a lot. And it simply works!

Thank you !
But impossible to install for me
I have some error during the installation
It is chinese for me !!!

Stopping service…
Impossible d’ouvrir le service!
OpenService(): Accès refusé.

Downloading node-v10.15.3-x64.msi…
################################################################################################################ 100.0%

Installing Node.js…

Downloading Git-2.22.0-64-bit.exe…
################################################################################################################ 100.0%################################################################################################################# 100.0%

Installing git…

Configuring npm…
Erreur : l’accès au chemin d’accès du Registre est refusé.
Removing old installation…
removed 54 packages in 0.387s
Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
Removing old installation…
removed 47 packages in 0.337s
Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable.
Installing Roon Extension Manager…
npm WARN deprecated node-uuid@1.4.8: Use uuid module instead
npm WARN ws@7.3.0 requires a peer of bufferutil@^4.0.1 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN ws@7.3.0 requires a peer of utf-8-validate@^5.0.2 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

  • roon-extension-manager@0.11.5
    added 54 packages from 63 contributors in 76.382s
    Installing Updater…
  • roon-extension-manager-updater@0.4.0
    added 47 packages from 57 contributors in 7.341s


Starting service…
Impossible d’ouvrir le service!
OpenService(): Accès refusé.

Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer…


Have you executed the installer with administrator rights?

Right click on the installer and select “Run as administrator”.


Thanks for this precision.

Installation seems ok

But there is nothing in the settings / extension

I fail to understand how to install an extension !

It is complicated for having only album played randomly !

Thanks in advance for your help !

Extensions 1|631x500

First step is to verify if the service is running. Enter services in the Windows search bar, open the Services app and check that Roon Extension Manager is in the list and running.

If it is, then you might check your firewall settings. Enter firewall in the Windows search bar, open the Windows Defender Firewall app, select “Allow an app or feurure…” (at the left) and check that Node.js has been enabled for the private network.

Service is not running in services but is there, node.js is enabled. But than still I can not install cd player extension because it needs dock.


Perhaps I am stupid but I fail to install any extension on Roon.
Why is it so complicated to play some albums randomly ?

It is possible with my Squeezebox and J.River Medi Center but not with Roon !

Really strange !

I have tried to install all the stuff manually like this, but I do not understand all !
