Can you please try again, but not clearing the queue first.
So just click stop on what you are playing.
Go to the queue and verify if the shuffle symbol is hightlighted (blue)
Click on it to disable shuffle (black again)
Go back to album/playlist view.
Select playing a another album or playlist .(your current queue is emtied automatically, and filled again with the new tracks)
Check if playing starts with the 1st track (it does with me)
Then return to the album/playlist you actually wanted to play (do not empty the queue, it is done automatically)
My issue was that I was not hitting the Play Now button on the top left, prior to to hitting the play button within the list. Once I did that, I was fine.
I’m wrong. It is still doing it. I want to be able to play the play list in alphabetical order by the artist, and maybe start mid-alphabet in the playlist.
What I did was: 1) hit Play Now in the upper left of the play list; 2) clicked on artist to sort;) clicked on left play button next to the track.
We haven’t been able to reproduce the behavior you’ve reported here, so I think we might be missing something. Can you possible record a video of the behavior you’re seeing showing the steps?